present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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How prioritizing play helped me become a triathlete. One of my favorite aspects of this joyful productivity community is cheering you along to achieve your dreams. I also like to act as a human guinea pig – testing performance psychology on myself and documenting my goal-setting journey. Today I’m excited to celebrate a new life goal with […]

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Nothing is more valuable than aligning your goals with how you spend your time. Curious to learn more and see if we're a good fit? Schedule a free consult on my calendar. Together we'll review what's working and where your workflow could improve.

Let's change that.

Do you start every day confident that you’re moving the needle on what matters?

Find Your Joyful Flow Workstyle


Learn your superpower for effortless creative flow - and quick tips for more joy at work right away ✨

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