Are You in Love with Your Goals?

High above the clouds flying home from a strategic planning retreat, I can’t help but reflect on a watershed of positive changes that have poured into my life since creating the Present & Productive Planner Journal.

???? Deeper relationships

???? Fewer stress responses

???? Faster acquisition of new skills

???? Leaping progress on goals, and…

A higher baseline level of joy in my day-to-day life ????

It wasn’t that long ago when I sported schoolmarm attire and rushed from job to house to second and third job while battling constant fatigue and chronic illness.

There’s a new word for that lifestyle phenomenon:

Hurried sick.

Other strategy consultants on my team routinely called me “the most productive person I know,” but waking up in the morning felt like living underneath a grey rain cloud. Depression and anxiety were consistent struggles. Sometimes I crawled under my desk for a quick cry.

At this year’s retreat, I won so many awards I’m still blushing. More importantly, my teammates described my workstyle with adjectives like “joy-filled” and “uplifting”… my cheeks are hotter than a jalapeno ☺️

I don’t share this to impress you. Or to brag (I truly hate bragging).

But rather to inspire you to consider a different answer to this age-old question…

“Can I actually become more joyful and more productive?”

Ultimately, your life is indelibly shaped by your beliefs. Only you can answer this question.

But thanks to the Present and Productive Planner Journal, my clients and I have harnessed the power of neuroplasticity to hardwire positive thoughts and feelings into our work days for more experiences of

???? Purpose

???? Gratitude

???? Joyfulness

???? Hopefulness

Today, at the start of the last quarter of 2022, I’m celebrating my birthday ????

2022 was my most ambitious year of growth yet – because I committed to making the pursuit of my goals as outrageously fun and enjoyable as possible!

I’m preparing for my most purposeful quarter yet by an embodied reflection on the deepest ‘why’ behind my goals.

As I look towards the next three months, I know that digging into the ‘why’ behind my goals now will amplify my sense of purpose and passion… especially as the days get shorter and holiday gatherings pop onto my calendar.

In my humble opinion, birthdays are a sacred time to celebrate and thank those many beautiful lives closely linked to mine.

It takes a village y’all!

You’re invited to celebrate with me by hopping into this special birthday edition episode of the Present & Productive podcast!

Tune into the podcast on Apple, Spotify or YouTube! 

This is a super-speedy episode with one of my favorite strategy consulting turned personal productivity exercises. Every time I create a podcast episode, my goal is to serve you with insight and inspiration to better align your mind with your time.

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