Are you born with an innate passion or is passion developed? Research reveals that passion comes from strategically testing and developing interests until passion emerges. Today’s episode describes what passion is, why its important, and the simple exercise you can do to move forward on your unique path to passion.
Today’s episode finishes with a guided exercise to create your very own path to passion: a simple document that will harness your energy and fuel your unique growth plan for the next 3-6 months.
I can’t wait to see where the path to passion takes you!
Click here to listen on Spotify or iTunes.
Today’s episode explores:
- [1:30] Why to avoid measuring your progress by that of your peers (Read more about the study in the Harvard Business Review).
- [3:15] The most common myth about passion
- [3:45] Do you find your passion or do you develop your passion? The study by Dweck, O’Keefe and Walton shows that believing interests are developed to become passions improves performance.
- [5:00] Angela Duckworth’s four stages to develop a passion: Uncover an interest, consistent practice, connect with purpose, hope in continual development (Access her book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance)
- [6:42] Three contemporary role models of creative careers: Angela Duckworth, Dave Asprey and Jeffrey Madoff
- [8:05] Why you should outline a path to your passion for future personal growth
- [9:20] Not every interest becomes a part of our career journey. Some interests stay as fun personal projects, ways that we engage in creative play. (Read more in Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic)
- [10:05] Guided exercise: Creating your path to passion
Because each of us deserves a little more passion at work and in life ; )
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What lights your fire? Once you go through the path to passion exercise, send me a message with your what you learned – I read every message and would love to hear more about how I can best serve you. Send me a voice memo on Voxer to lbuzard.
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