Episode 13: How to Adopt a Prioritization Mindset

If you ever get caught in the telltale trap that “I don’t have enough time to get everything done,” today’s episode is for you. Shifting from a time scarcity mindset is a complex, long-term process.

This mindset shift is an absolute favorite of my clients, and I’m sharing it with you today because the prioritization mindset is like having a super-power guiding you towards success!

Today’s episode reveals simple steps you can take towards a more beneficial mindset: by applying the prioritization lens, you can make sure you have all the time you need for what matters most.

Today’s episode includes:

  • [0:20] 80% of New Years Resolutions fail by February (U.S. News & World Report), which is why Forbes calls February the “Month When New Years Resolutions Fail”
  • [1:21] Why today’s mindset gives you the confidence to keep going towards your dreams, even when you’re knocked off track
  • [2:28] February is Mindset Month on the Podcast because Mindset is often why we feel “stuck” in our productivity pitfalls
  • [3:12] Mindset is a complex, sensitive topic, in part because it’s continuously evolving
  • [3:12] “Wherever you go, there you are”
  • [3:34] The mindset trap: “I don’t have enough time”
  • [4:19] How e-mail culture perpetuates a negative time mindset
  • [4:29] You already have all the time you need, to do what matters
  • [5:29] “Clarity comes from engagement.” – Marie Forleo, in Everything is Figureoutable
  • [5:44] Knowing your priority empowers you to be more decisive
  • [6:23] There is no such thing as “priorities” (Learn more in Essentialism, by Greg McKeown
  • [6:56] How might your life look if you knew your one priority, at all times?
  • [7:23] Knowing your one priority allows you to get the most from your time.
  • [8:01] The prioritization mindset exercise

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