Episode 16: Embrace Uncertainty to Enjoy the Journey

How do you face the unknown? Today’s episode is all about how you can embrace uncertainty to get ‘unstuck’ on your goals. I reveal the hidden benefits of uncertainty and quick reflection questions to use your fear as fuel to move forward.

Highlights from today’s episode:

  • [1:49] The benefits of uncertainty and setting BHAGs: Big Hairy Audacious Goals
  • [3:05] By definition a goal has a degree of uncertainty
  • [3:42] The power of asking, “Where is your fear coming from?”
  • [4:17] Quote about the positive side of fear from Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art
  • [5:20] The fallacy that “I’ll be ready after I get the perfect plan”
  • [8:16] Check your uncertainty by asking, “What would this look like if it were easy?”

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