Episode 39: Fall Back in Love with Your Goals Through the Five Whys exercise

Join me in an immersive podcast episode as we walk through the Five Whys exercise to reconnect with your purpose and passion.

Have you ever found yourself asking this niggling question in the back of your mind… “Can I actually be more joyful and more productive?”

Only you can answer that question for yourself.

And I think life is too short for any answer besides “abso-freaking-lutely!”

Today’s podcast episode shares a powerful exercise to fall back in love with your goals.

This exercise comes from lean project management in the corporate strategy world, but gets deeply personal effective results.

It’s a simple exercise that you can do whether you’re just starting out or reviving an old goal that may feel a bit stale.

This exercise requires your presence, taps into your purpose and reignites your passion – with the ultimate aim to get you back on track and propel you forward as we look to the last quarter of the year.

My goal for today’s podcast is that by the end you’ll have a living document to reignite your passion for your most important goal so you can ultimately end 2022 with pride and start 2023 on your best footing.

I first discovered the Five Whys exercise from Tim Ferris’s immense tome Tools of Titans and then again from psychology researcher Daniel Pink.

The original Five Whys exercise gained prominence in corporate strategy from Sakichi Toyoda‘s approach to lean management in growing Toyoda’s pioneering business model. Toyoda used the Five Whys exercise to get at the root cause of an issue before finding innovative solutions to process improvement and productivity.

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This is a super-speedy episode with one of my favorite strategy consulting turned personal productivity exercises. Every time I create a podcast episode, my goal is to serve you with insight and inspiration to better align your mind with your time.

If this episode served you, please consider sending it to a friend or a co-worker. I believe each of us has an opportunity to lift up and support those whose lives are linked with ours. I’m so grateful you’re a part of the Present and Productive Podcast community!

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