Episode 19: How a Quarterly Goal Scorecard Primes Your Next 90-Days for Success

What’s a Quarterly Goal Scorecard and why it helps you quickly evaluate your progress.

Welcome to a new quarter, and a new opportunity for a Quarterly Goal Scorecard!

One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “How can I set fresh goals for a new season, when I feel like I’ve completely failed on my current goals?” While it may feel like you’re the only one struggling to make as much progress as you had hoped, the reality is most people set greater goals than can be realistically achieved.

But top performers don’t just get discouraged or give up completely; they learn from their setbacks and celebrate what did work to start their next round of goal-setting with even more wisdom and insight. That’s why a Quarterly Goal Scorecard is so beneficial – it walks you through that learning process step by step.

With the start of a new season comes a fresh opportunity to get clear on what really matters, connect with your ‘why,’ and set fresh goals for the quarter ahead!

Dive into today’s episode and learn my signature streamlined strategy for assessing your goals from the last quarter, reflecting on lessons learned, and setting new quarterly goals with confidence – and a dash of fun along the way.

Outline of today’s episode:

  • [1:40] A Goal, by definition, is a dream or vision with an uncertain path forward
  • [2:35] Assessing your Quarterly Goals is like creating your own seasonal report card to check in on your annual goals
  • [2:58] Goal-setting is an iterative process
  • [3:44] We learn by taking action and then assessing our progress.
  • [4:10] Create your Quarterly Goal Scorecard!
  • [6:05] How to assess identity-based, or “I am,” goals
  • [6:33] Reflection questions for celebrating successes and lessons learned
  • [7:45] How to use your Quarterly Goal Scorecard to set good goals for the next quarter
  • [9:10] Every time you take action towards a goal, you learn something new

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