Last summer I had a naughty habit to beat office doldrums…
Every day around 1pm, I threw my laptop into my purse, grabbed my coffee mug, and snuck out of the building.
Two brisk blocks north there’s a stone bench under a birch tree. The bench is just close enough to the Daley Plaza foundation that you can almost feel water spray on your legs when the breeze picks-up.
Early afternoon sunshine drenches the plaza. Live music pulses from a band stand, daring some feet to dance in the street while walking by.
After spending most workdays in a small grey office with dark tinted windows and little sunlight, I felt like a lizard coming back to life sitting on that stone bench. Soaking-up sunshine is one of the special delights that makes summer so sweet.

bucket list!
It’s unconventional to spend an hour or so working outside. But that little pleasure boosted my mood and productivity for the rest of the workdays.
Here we are, at the start of July. Are you worried the summer will pass you by?
Write down a little bucket-list of little pleasures that make your heart squeal “It’s summer!” with a wide-toothed grin.
My list includes: grill hamburgers, work outside, eat cherries, walk in new parks, read on the grass, run through the zoo, visit our local bird sanctuary try a new ice cream flavor, and fly a kite.
What’s on your summer bucket-list? Please share your inspiration for summer delights in the comments below! (I read every single comment, and really do hope you will share to this collective brainstorm.)
Don’t let busy get in the way of simple pleasures that let your heart sing.
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