present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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Imposture syndrome, the creative process, and a challenge to create your definition of productivity “Whenever I feel imposter syndrome, my knee-jerk impulse is to work with a frenetic intensity,” I told Lydia. “Even though my book is packed with years of research, there’s a doubting voice in the back-right quadrant of my brain, taunting me […]

There are simple, yet effective strategies to effortlessly increase your motivation in the moment. With a little planning, you can integrate easy steps into your workday for more motivation, right when you need it. This post is part one in a three-part series on motivation. Imagine walking into your office first thing in the morning. […]

Why does it take so long to build a new habit? This post shares 4 research-backed tips to transform your next new habit from a good idea into a subconscious thought patterns. Your brains take time to adapt… and once it does, everything gets a whole lot easier. I can do this, I yelled into […]

Weekly planning: How it works and how to master it The clock strikes midnight. You hit send on one final e-mail for the day. Bleary-eyed you set your alarm for 5:00 a.m., already anxious about tomorrow’s deadline. There must be a better way to plan the work day. Most office working Americans describe the workday […]

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