present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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Looking at your wild and crazy list of potential goals for 2020! There’s so much possibility in that empty page- and in the year to come. And I’m so grateful that you’ve made it this far in our goal-setting journey together. Sometimes when I’m going through my workday I find myself spinning in dozens of […]

Why would three bare naked women be fighting over a leather handbag? I couldn’t help but gawk at the three story ad in Columbus Circle. Each model looked more beautiful than the next. Once I entered the workforce my personal aspirations centered around one objective: I wanted to lose weight. Looking back, I can’t help […]

The first time I was asked to do a visioning exercise was in seventh grade computer lab. Did the teacher think we’d be more motivated to practice typing if we thought about the roles of computers in our future career plans? Did she think we would be so excited to free-type that our words per […]

Part 3: 4 key life areas Sitting in Princeton’s cavernous sprawl for our freshmen inaugural address, my eye couldn’t help but be drawn upward to the vivid windows of luminaries from the ages: Plato, Aristotle, Descartes… Long silk-screened prints of swirling fire waved from the ceiling arches. My stomach twisted like those saturated silks, churning […]

Yesterday we took a good look at who we are, reflecting on the values, passions and missions that define how we greet challenges and opportunities day after day. Today we’re taking a look at where you are. What’s happening in your life – and your heart – on this day? Ask yourself three key questions: […]

“I am 65% water, 20% carbon and 10% hydrogen,” I read aloud to my Freshmen english class while my face burned with beet-red flush. We were each asked to write our answer to “who am I?” It seemed a lot easier to write about my biology than to condense my identity into one to two […]

Simple actions and shifts in your daily work routine to help you manage energy on long wok days. A few months ago, the spring in my morning routine starting to fall away. Every day I woke-up more sluggish than the day before. Not just sleepy – bone tired. It wasn’t long until every morning I […]

How can we be faithful friends when life gets in the way? Ok, I have a big giraffe-sized confession to make. A few months ago I received the most beautiful, heartfelt letter from an old high school friend. I had been hoping to reconnect with this friend for years, and here she had taken the […]

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