Take control of your wellness with a simple health tracker that’s easy-to-use and delivers results on your daily goal setting. (Spoiler alert: There’s a special bonus waiting for you at the end of this post ; )
Hydrate, stretch, workout, walk outside, breathe, soak in the bath, eat veggies, take mini-desk breaks, dim the lights after sunset, climb into bed earlier, journal more…
Do you ever feel like you’ll never be able to do ‘all the things’ to manage your health… let alone pursue your other life goals?!
The wellness industry floods us with an infinite list of self-improvement and self-care practices we “should” be doing. It’s an impossible standard.
Tracking allows you to test new strategies, and collect real data that show what works.
I knew for me, trying to fit dieting, cooking and fitness into my already packed schedule left me frustrated, overwhelmed, and exhausted… I was stressed out from trying to de-stress!
I felt like I would never be able to find the right strategies for me… like all of my spare energy was consumed by trying to survive the day.

A simple health tracker streamlines your self-care and wellbeing routines.
Until everything changed when I designed a simple health tracker. One piece of paper + my favorite yellow pen.
I keep my health tracker on my nightstand to figure out the most powerful strategies for my body and lifestyle. Now achieving my daily wellness goals is an easy habit. (Read more on crafting routines and daily habits.)
Wellness is practically on autopilot, giving me plenty of energy to focus energy on my bigger goals.
The goal is to find the strategies with the greatest impact on your lifestyle.
There’s so much health information out there… so many gurus promoting the ‘perfect protocol’ or ‘life-changing tip’… it’s easy to feel like you’ll never figure out the right routine for you…
If you’re hitting the same roadblocks over and over again, maybe it’s time to collect some objective data.
Once you can visualize your data on the page, there’s no more guess work.
With a health tracker it’s easy to see which strategies bring the most benefit to your health and wellness goals. While there are plenty of apps and wearable technology out there to help you achieve specific daily goals (shout out to Oura ring for cycle-tracking made painless), the best way to get started is with one single spreadsheet.
Tracking doesn’t have to be onerous. Your health tracker should be simple and – dare I say – fun.
While tracking for tracking’s sake is a waste of time, tracking your growth is rewarding. It’s motivating to see your progress.
The best health tracker is one that’s consistently used overtime. The more momentum you build towards your goals, the more exciting it is to watch your progress improve!
The goal is to continuously learn and document your self-performance.
Our bodies are designed to be healthy and strong.
For so much of my life, I assessed my health by one measurement only: body weight.
With only one measurement to assess my progress, every day felt like a failure… and I didn’t notice how ‘expert’ health regimes were depleting the rest of my body. (Read more about my body image journey and how I redefined beauty through biohacking.)
Imagine strolling into the doctor’s office with six months of data on your mental health, nutrition and fitness levels… Your doctor would be giving you a socially distanced high-five and thank you for making their life easier!
With a simple health tracker, you can collect objective data for self-improvement.

Wearable tech makes health tracking easier than ever before.
There’s a good reason we live in a data-driven culture. Data counteracts our cognitive shortcomings.
Cognitive biases can distort our own perception of how much time it actually takes to do a work out, or how many nights of the week we really kept that pint of Ben and Jerry’s tucked away in the freezer.
Biohacking allowed me to find the right nutritional balance to improve not only my weight – the most popular health measurement – but also my energy levels, hormone balancing, skin tone, and that personal feeling of ‘inner sunshine.’
With a simple health tracker, you can become the expert in your wellbeing.
You are the expert of your own life. Now, more than ever, each of us needs to take control of our own biology. In the midst of a pandemic, each of us needs to invest in our health and wellbeing.
We need to figure out the essential strategies that allow our bodies to thrive: how to eat, how to sleep, how to move.

Finding the right health strategies for your body frees energy to spend more time doing what you love.
As much as we might wish it were true, there is no one-size-fits all when it comes to health. Each of us is responsible for identifying the right strategies for our body’s unique needs.
The good news is, once you figure out the strategies that work best for you, you can implement those strategies for the rest of your life. No more yo-yo dieting. Jump off the endless treadmill.
If you want a health tracker, but don’t know where to start, I can’t recommend the Simple Tracking System highly enough.
With the new realities of COVID-19, I believe strongly that every person deserves to have the tools they need to observe their health and identify the right wellness strategies for them.
I designed a FREE MINI-COURSE with a done-for-you health tracker. Bursting at the seems with content, the Simple Tracking System captures the fundamentals to get up-and-running with you tracker in a matter of minutes…
I’ve personally used this system for years to overcome multiple health obstacles, including recurring migraines that I thought were impossible to conquer. So yes, I’m biased, because I had to design my own tools. And today after a decade of testing trackers, I’m sharing them with you!
The Simple Tracking System spills my secrets because I deeply believe that every person deserves to be healthy, to be strong, and to live with ease.
The Simple Tracking System is the best tool I know to take you from overwhelmed and depleted to bursting with energy like a firecracker on the 4th of July. Access the Simple Tracking System mini-course and download your done-for-you tracker today for greater clarity and consistency on your wellness journey.
P.S. If you have a friend looking to improve their health and wellbeing, please share the love by sending them this free resource.
P.P.S. I literally pray every morning that each person on this beautiful planet might be healthy, feel strong, and live with ease. That prayer includes you too ; )
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