present & Productive

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Part two in a three part series about making motivation easy. This post describes the three motivators for long-term motivation and simple practices you can integrate into your work day to align these three motivators. Staying motivated in the moment means nothing if you’re focused on meaningless busy work. “It is not enough to be […]

There are simple, yet effective strategies to effortlessly increase your motivation in the moment. With a little planning, you can integrate easy steps into your workday for more motivation, right when you need it. This post is part one in a three-part series on motivation. Imagine walking into your office first thing in the morning. […]

Overcome the most common barrier to accountability and follow-through on your goals with a simple mindset shift. Spoiler Alert: This post has a very special announcement… Scroll all the way to the end to get in the know ; ) There’s one common roadblock to personal accountability that I hear over and over again with […]

Why does it take so long to build a new habit? This post shares 4 research-backed tips to transform your next new habit from a good idea into a subconscious thought patterns. Your brains take time to adapt… and once it does, everything gets a whole lot easier. I can do this, I yelled into […]

Gleaming bathroom tile, spotless kitchen counter, shining wood floors, and no stray socks to be found… This was the fruit of working remotely. Frustratingly little work work, as in the work that actually paid for groceries. Keeping track of the day in my head, I had thought that my hours logging into my home office […]

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