Episode 10: Diamonds in the Rough – The 2020 Look Back Exercise to Leap Forward

Ready to turn the page into a new year… but it kind of feels like nothing is changing?

It might be because January can be a blur of a month. But it’s probably because you’re ready for the 2020 Look Back Exercise to Leap Forward! The Look Back Exercise is an important opportunity to review challenges from 2020 and mine them for the valuable lessons learned.

Once you look back and see the benefits of 2020’s challenges – and boy were there challenges! – you’ll be ready to integrate those lessons into a new approach for 2021.

We all know that flipping a piece of paper on the wall doesn’t mean anything. The true energy comes from within.

Today’s episode includes:

  • [1:32] Why there’s nothing special about January 1st
  • [3:13] How the 2020 Look Back Exercise sets you up for future productivity
  • [4:29] Craziness is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results
  • [5:24] Susan David’s Harvard Business Review article about the tendency of our work culture to shy away from challenging emotions
  • [6:31] Learn more about Dr. Susan David’s book, Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life
  • [8:10] Life is not just happening to you – life is happening for you.
  • [9:30] The 3-Step 2020 Look Back Exercise
  • [13:04] Purposeful Productivity is about being more creative and more present at work – with the confidence that you’re working on the right things.

You’re not alone. Present and Productive is a supportive community of goal-getters. If you’re feeling frustrated send an e-mail to lieve.planner@gmail.com and learn about how we can uncover meaningful goals, together.

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