Episode 9: The One Thing You Need to Navigate 2021, Core Values

What if there were one thing that would help you navigate 2021, no matter how much pivoting is required? I’m talking about core values.

Today’s podcast episode dives into the power of core values to guide you through 2021, wherever your goal-pursuit journey might take you. Learn about the research behind operationalizing your core values so you can show up fully to all that 2021 has to offer.

Life is too short to lack intention. I can’t wait to see how you bring your core values to life in 2021!

Today’s episode includes:

  • [1:32] What I’ve learned about core values from Organizational Strategy Consulting
  • [2:56] Overview of Brené Brown’s research into core values
  • [4:16] The benefits of narrowing your core values in Brené Brown’s book Dare to Lead
  • [5:20] Choosing your core value for 2021
  • [5:45] The power of identity-based goals to increase your motivation
  • [7:22] Goals that allow you to live into your core values are more transformative than a specific outcome
  • [8:32] Explore Brené Brown’s list of core values

Do you have a word of the year? There’s something magic about setting a goal and sharing it with others! If you have core values for 2021, share in the comments! This is a supportive community, and we’re stronger together.

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