What’s the secret recipe for more energy and wellbeing? You guessed it, a gratitude practice.
Today’s special Thanksgiving episode dives into why giving thanks once in a while just doesn’t cut it, and the tremendous benefits from a consistent, long-term gratitude practice. As an extra bonus, we explore three different approaches to a gratitude practice from three leaders who have changed the world with their positive impact on others: Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, and Tony Robbins.
When your daily gratitude practice starts to rewire your brain for more creativity, presence, and forward-thinking solutions, you’ll know without a doubt how gratitude changes everything.
Click here to listen on Spotify or iTunes.
Highlights from today’s episode:
- [2:45] The grace and gratitude connection
- [3:10] The benefits from a long-term gratitude practice (Read more about Dr. Robert Emmons’ work)
- [4:17] Gratitude is one of the only character traits predictive of human flourishing and wellbeing (Read more about Scott Barry Kaufmann’s study and Martin Seligman’s PERMA scale for measuring human wellbeing)
- [5:05] The challenge with practicing gratitude
- [5:33] Characteristics of a gratitude mindset
- [6:15] Practicing gratitude rewires the neural pathways in our brains and trains our heart to generate more coherent rhythms (more about heart rhythms at the Heartmath Institute)
- [7:30] Oprah Winfrey’s daily morning gratitude practice
- [7:55] Arianna Huffington’s daily gratitude listing and sharing practice
- [8:35] Tony Robbins’ gratitude visualization practice
- [9:12] Recap of the three gratitude exercises
- [10:00] Why I’m grateful for this community!

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What practices do you use to cultivate gratitude? What kinds of questions do you have for future episodes? Send me a message with your favorite gratitude exercise – I read every message and would love to hear more about how I can best serve you. Send me a voice memo on Voxer to lbuzard.
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