Episode 6: The #1 Daily Scheduling Tip If You’re Not a Planner Person

“I like to work on my own time, not be tied down by a schedule.” “A daily schedule makes me feel nervous – I’m always behind!”I know my big goals and projects already, so I don’t really need to create a daily schedule.” “Why should I spend time designing my day when I could be getting straight to work?!”

If you find yourself nodding your head right now, you’re going to love today’s episode! In this episode, I reveal the two root causes of an overwhelming schedule (and the cognitive biases behind them, of course), and walk you step by step through the #1 daily scheduling tip to create more spaciousness in your agenda.

Outline of today’s episode:

  • [1:36] The problem with daily scheduling if you’re “not a planner person”
  • [4:15] Two root causes of schedule overwhelm
  • [4:35] Overcrowding from the Planning Fallacy
  • [5:30] Inflexibility from underestimating the probability of disruption (learn more about the Black Swan Theory in Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s book, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable)
  • [6:40] The simple solution to scheduling overwhelm: whitespace
  • [8:43] 3 Steps to incorporate whitespace into your daily plan, today
  • [9:02] Need a new planner for 2021? Join the Present & Productive Planner Journal pre-release party!
  • [11:10] Start 2021 on the right foot by joining me in a free 5-day mini-training, the Day Design Challenge.

Have a friend who could use a helping hand? I believe that each of us is responsible for spreading hope and joy to those whose lives are linked with our own. If you know someone who’s looking for more spaciousness in their schedule, who not share this episode to brighten-up their day!?

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