Episode 30: Uncover Purposeful Goals With The 2021 Year-End Review

Discover meaningful goals for the year ahead with this intrinsically motivating 2021 Year-End Review.

Are you ready to celebrate 2021 and set your sights for the new year ahead? Taking time to reflect and celebrate your milestones and learnings from the past year is a tremendous step towards discovering meaningful goals that will fuel your focus and energy throughout the years ahead – no matter what twists and turns life brings!

Today’s podcast episode is a highly interactive walkthrough your 2021. Together, we’ll brainstorm stream-of-consciousness style on some of the most impactful reflection questions. These reflection prompts align with Daniel Pink’s research on motivation: maximizing your sense of Purpose, Autonomy and Mastery from your 2021 milestones. Check out his book Drive for more research!

A sneak peek of the Year-End Review workbook ; )

Meaningful goals aren’t pulled from thin air or from someone else’s expectations… they come from the story of your life. Listen and reflect on that story with today’s prompts, and you’ll lay vital groundwork for meaningful goals in 2022.

Download the workbook here to get rolling!

If you’re ready to take the next step and set meaningful, values-driven goals for 2022, I hope once you complete today’s Year-End Review workbook, you’ll join me and a community of fellow goal-getters in the 2022 Goal-Setting Studio. Because the world needs you to say Yes! to your dreams.

Dive into today’s podcast episode on Apple or Spotify with your favorite notebook and get ready for a fun ride reviewing your learnings and successes from 2021!

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