Episode 5: 5 Strategies for Working Well from Home

Working well from Home

Do you find it frustrating to work from home without the clear boundaries of a separate office space? Does your job bleed into your personal life, and vice versa? Now that 58% of U.S. workers are remote, it’s time to level-up your skills for working well from home. With a little bit of planning, remote-working can, and should, empower you to be more productive than ever before.

Even if you’ve been working from home for a while, you’ll benefit from today’s episode because all of the tips promote peak performance. Today’s strategies will help you eliminate distractions in your workplace, whether you’re based at home or in the office!

Today’s episode covers a lot of ground:

  • [1:20] The ‘new normal’ of working remotely (Read more about the Gallup COVID-19 Remote Work Update)
  • [2:35] Benefits of working from home
  • [3:20] Working from home can boost productivity (Dive into the Stanford Study with Nicholas Bloom’s Tedx Talk)
  • [4:22] Strategy #1: Decide on a personal and professional goal for the day
  • [6:07] Strategy #2: Create workday startup and shutdown rituals
  • [6:35] Michael Hyatt shares his workday startup and shutdown rituals in his book Free to Focus
  • [7:15] Strategy #3: Optimize your work environment
  • [9:13] Strategy #4: Work within time blocks
  • [9:45] This 2014 study led by Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School found that individuals who multitask have less gray-matter density in the brain’s anterior cingulate cortex.
  • [10:15] Want to learn more about time-tracking? Join my free 5-day mini-training, the Day Design Challenge.
  • [10:39] Strategy #5: Maximize weekly routines
  • [12:06] Recap of the 5 Strategies

What strategy are you implementing this week? Did one of the strategies jump out at you? Leave a comment below with what you’ll implement this week – I read every message and can’t wait to hear from you ; )

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  1. Timothy says:

    #2, setting rituals for myself is definitely going to be my next step! I have already made a habit of setting personal and professional goals for myself and found it encouraging and inspiring to look back through my journal and see all of my priorities being accomplished, so I hope to keep slowly integrating these different practices into my life as I increase my presence and my productivity! Thanks Lieve!!

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