present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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Imposture syndrome, the creative process, and a challenge to create your definition of productivity “Whenever I feel imposter syndrome, my knee-jerk impulse is to work with a frenetic intensity,” I told Lydia. “Even though my book is packed with years of research, there’s a doubting voice in the back-right quadrant of my brain, taunting me […]

What happens during a silent retreat? What’s the point? Why would someone go on a silent retreat… willingly?!? If you’ve ever been curious about any of these questions, then you’ll love today’s podcast episode! I’ll talk about why I chose to go on a silent retreat (yes, I voluntarily decided to spend 5 days in […]

A personal reflection from my heart to yours. My story of staying present and showing-up fully. You are exactly where you need to be. I heard these little words from the loud silence of lazy crickets, chirping robins, and murmuring maples this morning. This season of life is so full and brimming over that I […]

When it comes to spending time intentionally designing our life, preparing for more moments that matter is one of the greatest returns on investment to improve your quality of life, relationships and mental health. Taking the time now to identify and design your life for moments that matter can significantly shift how you experience your life. […]

A 5- or 10-minute gratitude walk might be the practice you need to start your day off with sunshine (no matter the weather forecast)! Today’s episode shares my #1 favorite way to start the day: a Gratitude Walk. Dive into today’s episode to learn why a gratitude walk is a powerful tool to transform your […]

WARNING: COURAGE REQUIRED. Presence is becoming a buzzword, but what is all of the buzz about? And do you really know what presence is? Today’s episode is all about why presence is a skill that can be practiced and the benefits of consistent presenting time (that’s right, time spent only on being present ; ). […]

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