present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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Overcome the most common barrier to accountability and follow-through on your goals with a simple mindset shift. Spoiler Alert: This post has a very special announcement… Scroll all the way to the end to get in the know ; ) There’s one common roadblock to personal accountability that I hear over and over again with […]

Why does it take so long to build a new habit? This post shares 4 research-backed tips to transform your next new habit from a good idea into a subconscious thought patterns. Your brains take time to adapt… and once it does, everything gets a whole lot easier. I can do this, I yelled into […]

Research-Backed Principals to Design a Purpose-Filled Life Strategy Every time you set a goal, plan your schedule, or organize your to-do list, you are working in a greater context: your life strategy. Most of us persist in goal-setting and building new habits without stepping back to perceive the bigger picture. We find ourselves frustrated and […]

Last summer I had a naughty habit to beat office doldrums… Every day around 1pm, I threw my laptop into my purse, grabbed my coffee mug, and snuck out of the building. Two brisk blocks north there’s a stone bench under a birch tree. The bench is just close enough to the Daley Plaza foundation that you can […]

ABOUT     And I’m your joyful productivity geek! If you’ve ever felt… Exhausted from surviving your day-to-day Fed-up with delaying your dreams Trapped in the same thought-loops  Stuck in other people’s agendas “Just one month away” from getting back on track Like the “always late” friend Scrambled, forgetful and behind … You need a […]

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