present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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Here it comes. You’re faced with a big decision, like whether or not to start applying for a new job. It looms in the back of your mind 24/7. You keep running through every possible outcome, every worst-case scenario…. but you’re not making any progress. This week’s episode is for anyone who’s ever gotten caught […]

How do you face the unknown? Today’s episode is all about how you can embrace uncertainty to get ‘unstuck’ on your goals. I reveal the hidden benefits of uncertainty and quick reflection questions to use your fear as fuel to move forward. Highlights from today’s episode: [1:49] The benefits of uncertainty and setting BHAGs: Big […]

At any point in time, you have the power to choose between chaos and peace. Stop the negative spiral of self-doubt in its tracks and find the clarity of mind you deserve by cultivating presence: a core leadership skill for more productivity at work, and greater joy at home. Presence is the key to confident […]

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck following someone else’s agenda? Or someone else is running your life’s schedule? Whether you’re an entrepreneur or you clock into a 9-5 job, you are ultimately responsible for how you spend your time. Stay out of a victim mentality and step into the decision maker’s seat. Because you […]

If you ever get caught in the telltale trap that “I don’t have enough time to get everything done,” today’s episode is for you. Shifting from a time scarcity mindset is a complex, long-term process. This mindset shift is an absolute favorite of my clients, and I’m sharing it with you today because the prioritization […]

Why this “efficient” time mindset trap is costing you time – and peace of mind. Many high-performers are constantly trying to get through their to-do list, as quickly as possible. They measure their worth by how many things they can “check-off” by the end of the day…. until they are overwhelmed in a flood of […]

I chose to spend the first week of 2021 in a social media detox, and the results were a little shocking to me. It wasn’t as if I didn’t know the challenges posed by social media – it’s common knowledge that those brightly colored apps are distracting – but I wasn’t fully aware of the […]

Ready to turn the page into a new year… but it kind of feels like nothing is changing? It might be because January can be a blur of a month. But it’s probably because you’re ready for the 2020 Look Back Exercise to Leap Forward! The Look Back Exercise is an important opportunity to review […]

What if there were one thing that would help you navigate 2021, no matter how much pivoting is required? I’m talking about core values. Today’s podcast episode dives into the power of core values to guide you through 2021, wherever your goal-pursuit journey might take you. Learn about the research behind operationalizing your core values […]

While there’s nothing magical about January 1st, there’s something marvelous about brushing out the proverbial cobwebs of 2020 and starting the new year with a fresh slate. Whether or not you’re doing much housekeeping this time of year, today’s episode has just the exercise you need to prepare for a fresh start in 2021. In […]

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Nothing is more valuable than aligning your goals with how you spend your time. Curious to learn more and see if we're a good fit? Schedule a free consult on my calendar. Together we'll review what's working and where your workflow could improve.

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Do you start every day confident that youโ€™re moving the needle on what matters?

Find Your Joyful Flow Workstyle


Learn your superpower for effortless creative flow - and quick tips for more joy at work right away โœจ

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