present & Productive

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How prioritizing play helped me become a triathlete. One of my favorite aspects of this joyful productivity community is cheering you along to achieve your dreams. I also like to act as a human guinea pig – testing performance psychology on myself and documenting my goal-setting journey. Today I’m excited to celebrate a new life goal with […]

Stop feeling spread thin and make your goal achievement easier and more joyful, today. Just imagine what would happen if you could build a little bit of momentum consistently on 2-3 goals for 90-days? If you’re curious why 2-3 goals are actually more effective in the long-term than setting, let’s say, 7-10, you’re going to […]

If you’re fed up or burned out by traditional goal setting, this episode is for you my friend! Today’s episode reveals 4 research-backed principles behind setting goals that keep your fire burning… all year long! Hop into today’s episode to hear this powerful research distilled into a simple, memorable acronym: CORE Goals. Why not make […]

Discover meaningful goals for the year ahead with this intrinsically motivating 2021 Year-End Review. Are you ready to celebrate 2021 and set your sights for the new year ahead? Taking time to reflect and celebrate your milestones and learnings from the past year is a tremendous step towards discovering meaningful goals that will fuel your […]

What’s a Quarterly Goal Scorecard and why it helps you quickly evaluate your progress. Welcome to a new quarter, and a new opportunity for a Quarterly Goal Scorecard! One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “How can I set fresh goals for a new season, when I feel like I’ve completely failed on […]

2021 is starting to peek its friendly face around the corner… and that means countless humans are setting fantastic goals for growth and change in the personal and professional lives. The only problem? 92% of goal-setters will fail to achieve their New Years resolutions. Today’s episode gets personal for me… I’ve felt let down by […]

Goals without an accountability system are kind of like cars without tires. Even the best design won’t get you very far ; ) That’s why today’s ‘Episode 0’ is all about having supportive systems in-place before setting goals to help bring your best intentions to life. In this special prelaunch Episode 0 of the Present […]

Create strong quarterly goals to make the most of 2020 with a plan in place to brainstorm, articulate, and measure your most important goals. If you could design a billboard for the year 2020, what might it say? The year that flew by! 2020… can’t be over soon enough… Topsy Turvy 2020 The only thing […]

Research-Backed Principals to Design a Purpose-Filled Life Strategy Every time you set a goal, plan your schedule, or organize your to-do list, you are working in a greater context: your life strategy. Most of us persist in goal-setting and building new habits without stepping back to perceive the bigger picture. We find ourselves frustrated and […]

Part three in a three part series about making motivation easy. In the two previous posts about Motivation in the Moment, we’ve discussed short-term and long-term practices to naturally increase your motivation. This post describes the most effective strategy to get out of a motivation rut: identity-based motivation. Use this powerful goal-setting strategy to make […]

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Nothing is more valuable than aligning your goals with how you spend your time. Curious to learn more and see if we're a good fit? Schedule a free consult on my calendar. Together we'll review what's working and where your workflow could improve.

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