present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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Pop. Crackle. Exhale. Is there anything more satisfying than cracking open the spine of a new journal? Rolling a fresh page of matte no-bleed paper in between your thumb and index finger… Yes, this 30-something still giddily skips down the aisle for new school supplies. Maybe that’s why I still get excited about… my monthly […]

How to stop binge-watching tv and rescue your time. Have you ever been swirled into binge-watching a tv show? You know that spooling circle kinda sucks you into the next episode and there’s a time warp when hours fly by before you can reach to press pause? Yes yes YES! (Waving both hands in the […]

A personal reflection from my heart to yours. My story of staying present and showing-up fully. You are exactly where you need to be. I heard these little words from the loud silence of lazy crickets, chirping robins, and murmuring maples this morning. This season of life is so full and brimming over that I […]

Imagine starting your week with a Kanban Board – a full line of sight into all of your different workstreams, critical next steps on your projects, and the bandwidth you have to take on new work. Sounds like a little piece of heaven, am I right?! Today’s episode shares one simple tool to streamline your […]

Stop feeling spread thin and make your goal achievement easier and more joyful, today. Just imagine what would happen if you could build a little bit of momentum consistently on 2-3 goals for 90-days? If you’re curious why 2-3 goals are actually more effective in the long-term than setting, let’s say, 7-10, you’re going to […]

If you’re fed up or burned out by traditional goal setting, this episode is for you my friend! Today’s episode reveals 4 research-backed principles behind setting goals that keep your fire burning… all year long! Hop into today’s episode to hear this powerful research distilled into a simple, memorable acronym: CORE Goals. Why not make […]

When it comes to spending time intentionally designing our life, preparing for more moments that matter is one of the greatest returns on investment to improve your quality of life, relationships and mental health. Taking the time now to identify and design your life for moments that matter can significantly shift how you experience your life. […]

Discover meaningful goals for the year ahead with this intrinsically motivating 2021 Year-End Review. Are you ready to celebrate 2021 and set your sights for the new year ahead? Taking time to reflect and celebrate your milestones and learnings from the past year is a tremendous step towards discovering meaningful goals that will fuel your […]

Creative, thoughtful gift ideas for the holidays that are sure to support your loved ones to being healthier and happier in 2022. Do you ever get discouraged trying to find the perfect gift? Discovering new gift ideas that family and friends will actually appreciate is a true art… and it should be fun! In today’s […]

My top three new discoveries and favorite learnings from this Year’s Biohacking Conference that you can implement today! Whenever I use the term ‘biohacking,’ I cringe a little bit on the inside. I mean, what does biohacking even mean? People with tech embedded into their bodies, half-person, half-robot? As someone who’s been biohacking for nearly […]

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Do you start every day confident that you’re moving the needle on what matters?

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