present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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Upgrade Your State of Consciousness. That’s what I would have titled this year’s 10th annual biohacking conference. I love this conference because its full of cutting-edge science + start-ups addressing the fundamental question: How can we optimize the human experience? Topics are wide-ranging from sleep and nutrition to physiology and psychology. It’s a crazy group […]

Imposture syndrome, the creative process, and a challenge to create your definition of productivity “Whenever I feel imposter syndrome, my knee-jerk impulse is to work with a frenetic intensity,” I told Lydia. “Even though my book is packed with years of research, there’s a doubting voice in the back-right quadrant of my brain, taunting me […]

Your 2022 Gift Guide for Friends and Family who wish they could be more joyfully productive in the new year ????. Drum roll please…. I’m so excited to share with you ten of my favorite items for joyful productivity in 2022! These quality products are absolute musts in my personal routine (with one expectation that […]

High above the clouds flying home from a strategic planning retreat, I can’t help but reflect on a watershed of positive changes that have poured into my life since creating the Present & Productive Planner Journal. ???? Deeper relationships ???? Fewer stress responses ???? Faster acquisition of new skills ???? Leaping progress on goals, and… […]

Creative, thoughtful gift ideas for the holidays that are sure to support your loved ones to being healthier and happier in 2022. Do you ever get discouraged trying to find the perfect gift? Discovering new gift ideas that family and friends will actually appreciate is a true art… and it should be fun! In today’s […]

If you ever get caught in the telltale trap that “I don’t have enough time to get everything done,” today’s episode is for you. Shifting from a time scarcity mindset is a complex, long-term process. This mindset shift is an absolute favorite of my clients, and I’m sharing it with you today because the prioritization […]

Ready to turn the page into a new year… but it kind of feels like nothing is changing? It might be because January can be a blur of a month. But it’s probably because you’re ready for the 2020 Look Back Exercise to Leap Forward! The Look Back Exercise is an important opportunity to review […]

Are you born with an innate passion or is passion developed? Research reveals that passion comes from strategically testing and developing interests until passion emerges. Today’s episode describes what passion is, why its important, and the simple exercise you can do to move forward on your unique path to passion. Today’s episode finishes with a […]

What’s the secret recipe for more energy and wellbeing? You guessed it, a gratitude practice. Today’s special Thanksgiving episode dives into why giving thanks once in a while just doesn’t cut it, and the tremendous benefits from a consistent, long-term gratitude practice. As an extra bonus, we explore three different approaches to a gratitude practice […]

Overcome the most common barrier to accountability and follow-through on your goals with a simple mindset shift. Spoiler Alert: This post has a very special announcement… Scroll all the way to the end to get in the know ; ) There’s one common roadblock to personal accountability that I hear over and over again with […]

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