present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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2021 is starting to peek its friendly face around the corner… and that means countless humans are setting fantastic goals for growth and change in the personal and professional lives. The only problem? 92% of goal-setters will fail to achieve their New Years resolutions. Today’s episode gets personal for me… I’ve felt let down by […]

“I like to work on my own time, not be tied down by a schedule.” “A daily schedule makes me feel nervous – I’m always behind!”I know my big goals and projects already, so I don’t really need to create a daily schedule.” “Why should I spend time designing my day when I could be […]

Do you find it frustrating to work from home without the clear boundaries of a separate office space? Does your job bleed into your personal life, and vice versa? Now that 58% of U.S. workers are remote, it’s time to level-up your skills for working well from home. With a little bit of planning, remote-working […]

Are you born with an innate passion or is passion developed? Research reveals that passion comes from strategically testing and developing interests until passion emerges. Today’s episode describes what passion is, why its important, and the simple exercise you can do to move forward on your unique path to passion. Today’s episode finishes with a […]

What’s the secret recipe for more energy and wellbeing? You guessed it, a gratitude practice. Today’s special Thanksgiving episode dives into why giving thanks once in a while just doesn’t cut it, and the tremendous benefits from a consistent, long-term gratitude practice. As an extra bonus, we explore three different approaches to a gratitude practice […]

Ever wondered why sometimes you get absorbed in your work that time seems to stand still? This state of heightened focus and concentration is called flow, and it’s accessed by being fully present to the work at hand. Flow can turbocharge productivity by 500% while increasing your sense of happiness and satisfaction. In fact… People […]

The research is in! Cultivating presence is proven to improve memory, clarity, happiness and more. Presence is the gateway to productivity at work and fostering the creative process. Productivity Starts with Presence, and that’s why presence is the focus of this special launch episode! Today’s episode dives into… The practical definition of presence Emergent research […]

Goals without an accountability system are kind of like cars without tires. Even the best design won’t get you very far ; ) That’s why today’s ‘Episode 0’ is all about having supportive systems in-place before setting goals to help bring your best intentions to life. In this special prelaunch Episode 0 of the Present […]

Part three in a three part series about making motivation easy. In the two previous posts about Motivation in the Moment, we’ve discussed short-term and long-term practices to naturally increase your motivation. This post describes the most effective strategy to get out of a motivation rut: identity-based motivation. Use this powerful goal-setting strategy to make […]

Part two in a three part series about making motivation easy. This post describes the three motivators for long-term motivation and simple practices you can integrate into your work day to align these three motivators. Staying motivated in the moment means nothing if you’re focused on meaningless busy work. “It is not enough to be […]

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