present & Productive

welcome to my podcast with strategies & stories for joy at work

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The story of how I went from never using an agenda to carrying my Present & Productive Planner Journal everywhere I go! Today I love coaching creatives in simple, effective time management skills, but most of my life managing time was a huge struggle. I’m a recovering idea fairy – someone full of great ideas […]

Visualizing your time each day is an essential tool for effective time-management. Break free from our culture’s ineffectual obsession with the endless to-do list! Visualizing your time is about freeing yourself – so you can align how much time you have with where your time is spent. Learn the brain-boosting benefits of visualizing your time […]

A 5- or 10-minute gratitude walk might be the practice you need to start your day off with sunshine (no matter the weather forecast)! Today’s episode shares my #1 favorite way to start the day: a Gratitude Walk. Dive into today’s episode to learn why a gratitude walk is a powerful tool to transform your […]

WARNING: COURAGE REQUIRED. Presence is becoming a buzzword, but what is all of the buzz about? And do you really know what presence is? Today’s episode is all about why presence is a skill that can be practiced and the benefits of consistent presenting time (that’s right, time spent only on being present ; ). […]

What’s a Tipping Point? A behavioral cue that replaces a negative trigger with positive reinforcement for a healthy habit. With the help of a bonus Healthy Habits Worksheet to guide you through today’s episode, you can transform your daily routines into outstanding Healthy Habits in three simple steps. Because the building blocks for an outstanding […]

Stop depleting yourself in the workday and start recharging with micro-exercise breaks. It’s hard to take a break in a culture where success means working nonstop to the point of exhaustion. The truth is, your energy is your greatest asset – for your work and your family. That’s why today’s episode shares a simple, effective […]

How being more present when exercising gets you stronger and fitter, with more ease. You probably already know that exercise is key to boosting your brainpower and energy all day long. But when most people think about exercise, they think about long, hard, and stressful workout at the gym that’s time-consuming and stinky. Merely the […]

Why spending 1 to 2 minutes of your regular routine to review your goals is a worthwhile investment. Taking time to review your goals is a waste of time, right? Why review your goals, when you could be out there, making things happen? Think again, friend. Just a couple of minutes spent to review your […]

What’s a Quarterly Goal Scorecard and why it helps you quickly evaluate your progress. Welcome to a new quarter, and a new opportunity for a Quarterly Goal Scorecard! One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “How can I set fresh goals for a new season, when I feel like I’ve completely failed on […]

Make Better Decisions by Imagining Your Worst-Case Scenario Building on last week’s episode about better decision-making in the face of uncertainty, this week shares the ultimate strategy for facing your fear of failure: Planning to Fail. Don’t let your fear of failure keep you stuck from making your next big move! Planning to fail presents […]

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